Friday, June 12, 2009

Timeline for Friday and Saturday Meets!

Friday June 12 @ East Y

5:00 pm Warm-up begins

5:00 pm Officials, Head Clerk, Clerk and Starter report for duty
5:30 pm Head Timer, Head Bullpen and Head Runner report for duty
5:40 pm Bullpen report for duty
5:50 pm Timers and Card Runners report for duty

5:50 pm Call for swimmers for first events
6:00 pm Competition begins

Saturday June 13 @ Southeast Y

7:00 am Warm-up begins

7:00 am Officials, Head Clerk and Starter report for duty
7:30 am Head Timer, Head Bullpen and Head Runner report for duty
7:40 am Bullpen report for duty
7:50 am Timers and Card Runners report for duty

7:50 am Call for swimmers for first events
8:00 am Competition begins!


Nvette said...

Is the starting time the same for all of the Friday and Saturday meets?

And what is the start time for the meet on Tuesday July 14.

Anonymous said...

Is this the start time for all Friday and Saturday meets?

And what is the start time for the meet on Tuesday July 14?

Montgomery YMCA Summer Swim League said...

All evening meets start at 6 pm, with warm-ups starting at 5 pm.

All morning meets start at 8 am, with warm-ups starting at 7 am.